It Takes More than A Refillable Pen To Be Green

Green is an attitude, a life choice, an absolutely different paradigm than most of the world looks out of or into. 

Green is an attitude, a life choice, an absolutely different paradigm than most of the world looks out of or into.      Being Green is not dependent upon being indigenous, a colonizer, Black, Brown, Red, Pink. White or Purple. Green is all about living within our place in this world, solar system, galaxy and universe.   On this planet in this part of the universe we are, to the best of my understanding, the only species the world would do better without. That is not to say that we could not be of benefit to the world. We could be. But we aren't.  We have brought the world and all the beings that inhabit this world to the brink of annihilation. Pick your weapon of choice: nuclear war? global warming? perhaps just burying everything and everyone under tons of garbage?  Or we could choose to live responsibly. To become the Stewards of this beautiful blue marble. The choice is ours. But it must be made quickly.  The Green Man
Being A Green Being

Being Green is not dependent upon being indigenous, a colonizer, Black, Brown, Red, Pink. White or Purple. Green is all about living within our place in this world, solar system, galaxy and universe. 

On this planet in this part of the universe we are, to the best of my understanding, the only species the world would do better without. That is not to say that we could not be of benefit to the world. We could be. But we aren't.

We have brought the world and all the beings that inhabit this world to the brink of annihilation. Pick your weapon of choice: nuclear war? global warming? perhaps just burying everything and everyone under tons of garbage?

Or we could choose to live responsibly. To become the Stewards of this beautiful blue marble. The choice is ours. But it must be made quickly.

The Green Man


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